Wednesday 27 December 2017

Feng Shui Your Hot Spot Hub Space

Some things never change but ONE thing that is - is the space we are all starting to work in.

People right across the world running their own small businesses no longer want to work at home isolated, no banter no presence of other people.  What has started to be created are common spaces for entrepreneurials of all age groups, diversities and backgrounds.

People are getting out of the prisons offered to them in the corporate and service world and creating their own living dynamic spaces with like minded people.

What do we call that?  WE call it Feng Shui Change!  The winds of change are always blowing some more stronger than others at times.  This shift into a hub workspace has the freedom to create a place where people really want to be with who they want to be with and work on what they choose to do.

Having recently visited some of these Hubs some are basic with a lick of corporate colour but it does not have to be like that.

Even Google has created a most fascinating workspace for their innovators:

So, why not you?

You now have the freedom to create one of these yourself and in London people are opening up their own spaces to offer that service.

Where to begin?

Well when people are working in technology it is predominantly the Metal Element at play.  That is why all these organisations have white, magnolia, grey walls - its an authoritarian tone.

However, when you are working from the mind - Metal - it is good to be reminded of all the elements as no one element reigns; you have to have earth to support the metal; you require water to support the wood.

Here are some tips to get you started on Creating a Feng Shui Hot Spot Hub Space.

  1. Have plants around that bring in the Wood Element; not cacti but leaves that are moving upwards.
  2. Use ceramic pots around the space-one should have nothing in them to create an energy of space inside to receive great things.
  3. Use colours of blue and green as water feeds the wood these could be in bottles, tapestries, art work.
  4. Ensure Art Work denotes a good feel factor- people communicating, cooperating, goals for business, luxury living, the connection with others through nature of people in pictures.
  5. Ensure the cleanliness and tidiness of the place-no clutter-flow is obvious and that each working space enables people to have their back to the wall.
  6. The power point of any room is diagonally opposite the main door in that room-use the space wisely.
  7. Ensure people have a clearly defined space for themselves but there is a communal place to share for talk, eats and debate.
  8. All windows to be cleaned, sufficient head space psychologically for people to elevate and very important is the aspect of aroma.
  9. It is a sensitive area Aroma but if you can make it subtle with usually aromas of fruits or brain busters like basil and rosemary it would be an advantage.
  10. Anything that smells which is distasteful will ruin the experience and because peoples emotions and memories are tied up with smell it is important to get this right.
  11.  Ensure lighting is generous but not glaring and is evenly spread in any given room.

Look Out for my Video Series showing you which blend of oils are good in Feng Shui in various rooms of your home and why they are essential to your business space: Catch the series on or small introduction video series on Instagram: fengshui4you

Further details on this video series go to: and for generalised information to

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