Tuesday 19 December 2017

Feng Shui Plants In Your Garden

Feng Shui Plants You Need In Your Garden

Creating a feng shui garden in your home can give bring you more health benefits than you can imagine. From relieving the stress in your body to purifying the air that you breathe.

Choosing what plants to put in your garden is a little bit challenging and fun. It unleashes the artist in you. It is also mentally stimulating and keeps your mind sharp.

Found below are the feng shui plants you need in your garden.

1.  The lotus flower is one of the most popular flowers related to feng shui. It symbolizes perfection. It has a lot of uses in Chinese medicine from the petals down to the roots. This makes the lotus flower a powerful feng shui cure.

2.  Chinese have always loved bamboo. They call it the gentleman among other plants. It's as old as their culture and it symbolizes virtue. It is said to reflect people's soul and emotion most especially their positive spirits.

3.  Another important feng shui plant is the pine tree. It represents dignity, longevity, resilience, and integrity. It belongs to the wood energy that is said to never wane. The roots represent our ancestors and the branches are our offspring and future.

4.  In the Chinese culture, the pomegranate represents fertility. People who have a hard time having kids are advised to plant the tree in their garden. The Chinese believe that the seeds in the fruit mean offspring.

5.  The national flower of China is the Peony. In the Chinese culture, they represent aristocracy, wealth, honor and luck. It is called the flower of riches and honor. It is used symbolically in the Chinese art.

6.  The orange tree is connected to wealth, good luck and abundance. They bring wishes for good luck.

7.  The symbol of maternal love and fertility is the daylily. It is a symbol of filial love. It is called the flower for mothers. It is a common food and herb for the Chinese people.

8.  Orchids represent the qualities of a gentleman such as graciousness, culture, and nobility. It also represents the energy of purity, perfection and graceful beauty.

9.  Apple trees symbolize good relationships in the home. It is also known to bring luck.

10.Plum trees represent charm, friendship, and brotherliness. It signals the end of darkness and a start of a new beginning.

Always remember that you don't need to have a big space in order to have a garden. With a little bit of innovation and creativity, you can have your very own feng shui garden.

If you want to learn more about feng shui and how it can help you improve yourself and have a better life, email me at wealthyspaces@gmail.com or visit my website at www.wealthyspaces.com

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