Friday 29 December 2017

Feng Shui & Electro Magnetic Matter

Feng Shui is about environments that have invisible and visible messages to us all the time.  The connection with this philosophy and what is discussed above is no different.  We have wifi waves passing through us affecting us and then we wonder why we feel fatigued, tired, confused and less and less able to focus and concentrate.

A couple of decades later and guess what?  WE have even more bombardment on our subtle energies and now as if it was suddenly something new the Californian Researchers have discovered this:

Returning to what Feng Shui is all about - that is what is around us is within us.  Then we wonder why millions across the world have some of the following issues:

  1. insomnia leading to degenerative conditions
  2. conflict within the home
  3. fear of going outside
  4. no focus only confusion and chaos in the mind.
  5. Depression
  6. Lack of ability to be clear and focus on your own life

The list is endless and, unless you realise that what is around you is inside of you it is impossible to take the right kind of action and create an environment that not only has the right vibration in terms of colours, aromas, sounds and orientation but has been cleansed through the ancient art of space clearing and has been cleared of any potential devices that keep our inner cells constantly charged so they cannot revitalise themselves over night.  The following list is what you can take practical steps to change, observe the difference to the quality of your sleep and relations;

  • take out all phones and get yourself an old fashioned alarm clock
  • take out the computers, ipads, tv's and refrain from watching anything on the monitors before sleeping as you are taking the messages of what you have watched and they enter your subconscious
  • do not leave any devices under your pillow
  • don't forget to cleanse the bedroom regularly by using sage or frankincense and make sure there is plenty of fresh air allowed in.
  • if you feel disturbed in any manner during sleep be sure to place a bowl of salt inyour bedroom allowing it to pull anything in the moisture in the air into the salt - then throw out the salt after a week.
If you do the above for yourself and loved ones the value of it is tremendous.  Just switching off your wifi coder throughout the night could mean the difference between having a bizarre restless night's sleep and a revitalised and relaxed night's rest.

One action is all it takes.  TAKE IT NOW & to discover more about how Feng Shui can assist your health, wealth and much more.

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