Monday 6 August 2018

The Summer Season And Feng Shui

Feng Shui Tips For Summer

Summer is already here. The temperature is getting hotter which makes our home an uncomfortable place.

In the old days, humans spend time ensuring that they live in harmony with nature. However, these days, most people seem disconnected from nature which in turn causes us to feel stuck.

Feng shui means wind and water. It's an ancient philosophy that teaches us about being in harmony within and around us.

In feng shui, the summer season belongs to the fire element. It is associated with the hot and yang energy. It brings creativity, drive, warmth, and self-confidence which means there's more energy. However, too much fire energy in us makes us feel irritable, restless or drained.

Summer is connected to the reputation and fame. In the Bagua map, the fame and reputation sector can be found at the back middle section of your office or home.

To bring balance to your place, rearranging your space will do. Adding yin in your space, which is the lighter and calmer energy will do.

Below are the summer tips that you can do if there's too much yang in your place:

1. Add your colours in your home like blue or purple.

2. Live plants are a must in every home. Live indoor plants keep the air and temperature down, helps reduce stress and increases your focus. Definitely, a vital thing that you need to make you feel relax.

3. Add the water element in your home by putting a water fountain in front of your home and make sure that it is flowing towards your house. This represents the energy of abundance moving in your direction.

4. The amethyst is great in cooling your home. It gets rid of the negative and stuck energy in your house.

These little changes can help you create a cooler and more balanced home this summer season.

Visit my website at to learn more about feng shui. Check my YouTube channel Cathi Hargaden and get access to my videos and webinars about feng shui for health, wealth and relationship.