Space cleansing is a very unnoticed, under valued procedure which costs much to peoples' peace of
mind, wealth and wellbeing. How so?
Well think of all the places you have walked into in your life; church, court of law, maybe a prison,
hospital, huge shopping malls and what is it you notice? Most often or not your energy is often
zapped - that's right all the feelings, thoughts exuding from people in states of being that arent too
great on the good feel factor and then when you walk away you wonder why?
I have been in over 1000 homes and I began to notice this right away. But long before I had my job
as a community worker at a very young age I was acutely aware of how one room in the house just
did not feel right-it did not have any light, love or peace in it and something deeply disturbing was
Other times as a child I played in derelict houses and got an acute sense once again of the people who
had lived there and the feeling that summed up the whole environment. Your know yourself when
you go to different environments you can sense how they make you feel; they dont have to be rich or
poor environments necessarily; bad things happen in wealthy areas; good things happen in abject
poverty and vice versa.
If you look at all the ancient civilisations they would always cleanse their space before entering
their building or residence or even before building any foundations at all the land would be spoken
to and addressed in a smoke ceremony.
Have things changed much? Well yes they have because people dont get it - if they dont cleanse
away their old energies where conflicts, arguements and fractures have occurred that space is left
hanging with those feelings absorbed into the atmosphere.
When I was growing up in a street it was a very common sight to see the old ladies scrubbing away at
their front paths. Everybody would do it - it was not only a sign of cleanliness but symbolically it
seemed to indicate a letting go of the old and making way for new energies. The entrance to a
dwelling has always been given additional nurturance as its when you first see your home; its where
you return to each day; it's the feel good factor summed up in one glance.
Some great tips to dispel unwanted chi at the front of your home is to grow rosemary in plant pots at
the door. Rosemary has always been used throughout time as a means of dispelling bad vibes and
unwanted feelings and where better place to situate that is at the front door.
If this is something that resonates with you drop by the website and pick up your own space-clearing
kit; 4 choices to decide from. Good to make space for the great things in your life rather than living
with the old patterns of the past.