It was Bruce Lee that said its not the form but the Space that defines our reality and here all around us lies pots deliberately empty - awaiting to receive - having a life of their own - not expecting but happy to receive if and when. They stand independent, they are a commentary on the space on the outside and on the inside and yet how much do we ever notice this space in our everyday life. Well maybe we do because it is often that space that communicates a sense of freedom and movement in and around us which is why being aware of how your environment affects you can enable you to make some of the Boldest changes in your life.

Join me in my daily content on how shifting the energies in your homes, workplaces, nurseries, residential homes, medical facilities through the practice of Feng Shui is a way of transforming your own internal energies. Feng Shui is about our Internal Homes too: So Above, so Below! The Outside is a reflection of the Inside!
Thursday, 24 November 2016
I put together a quick ten tip video to get you interested in a topic about your environments and why
they should matter to you. This philosophy will spread like wild fire as it already has mainly
because the world is going to make more enquiries into what has happened in the history of China
given the continued role it plays on the world stage today. Knowing about this philsophy of Feng
Shui was not the domain of the comman man at all but more wrapped in a mystery of ceremonial
order and habit as most cultural and religious belief systems are based. So the subject has always
been shrouded in mystery and with that came the power behind it. It was the domain of the monks
who held this knowledge in their own power and divulged its secrets to the powerful forces of that
land; the Emperor's of China.
powerful manipulation of the masses. This is not a phenomenon only found in Chinese traditions but
look across the world where architecture, urban design and scultpure has chisled out a place for those
in power to manipulate the masses and simultaneously create systems such as roads, fences, energy
flows of paths and the mighty strength of features on buildings to curtail the true power - that is -
that which always rested with the people.
Hope you enjoy this and should be any questions of comment feel free to pass them over.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Monday, 22 August 2016
Space Cleansing the Old Fashioned Way....
Space cleansing is a very unnoticed, under valued procedure which costs much to peoples' peace of
mind, wealth and wellbeing. How so?
Well think of all the places you have walked into in your life; church, court of law, maybe a prison,
hospital, huge shopping malls and what is it you notice? Most often or not your energy is often
zapped - that's right all the feelings, thoughts exuding from people in states of being that arent too
great on the good feel factor and then when you walk away you wonder why?
I have been in over 1000 homes and I began to notice this right away. But long before I had my job
as a community worker at a very young age I was acutely aware of how one room in the house just
did not feel right-it did not have any light, love or peace in it and something deeply disturbing was
Other times as a child I played in derelict houses and got an acute sense once again of the people who
had lived there and the feeling that summed up the whole environment. Your know yourself when
you go to different environments you can sense how they make you feel; they dont have to be rich or
poor environments necessarily; bad things happen in wealthy areas; good things happen in abject
poverty and vice versa.
If you look at all the ancient civilisations they would always cleanse their space before entering
their building or residence or even before building any foundations at all the land would be spoken
to and addressed in a smoke ceremony.
Have things changed much? Well yes they have because people dont get it - if they dont cleanse
away their old energies where conflicts, arguements and fractures have occurred that space is left
hanging with those feelings absorbed into the atmosphere.
When I was growing up in a street it was a very common sight to see the old ladies scrubbing away at
their front paths. Everybody would do it - it was not only a sign of cleanliness but symbolically it
seemed to indicate a letting go of the old and making way for new energies. The entrance to a
dwelling has always been given additional nurturance as its when you first see your home; its where
you return to each day; it's the feel good factor summed up in one glance.
Some great tips to dispel unwanted chi at the front of your home is to grow rosemary in plant pots at
the door. Rosemary has always been used throughout time as a means of dispelling bad vibes and
unwanted feelings and where better place to situate that is at the front door.
If this is something that resonates with you drop by the website and pick up your own space-clearing
kit; 4 choices to decide from. Good to make space for the great things in your life rather than living
with the old patterns of the past.
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
What is Clutter?
There is often a common denominator to peoples’ poor health and chronic ailments and that is their environment. In this article I’m talking about how the subtle almost invisible aspects of peoples homes & offices influence peoples’ general health. I would also like to offer an opportunity for the reader to shift their environmental energy for the better so they can enjoy a sense of peace, inspiration, and tranquility. As a Feng Shui consultant there is often an invisible world within our environments that leads to stress, poor health and anxiety. Lets look at one area I have managed to locate that is affecting peoples’ everyday health.
Clutter whether its paper, or accumulation of goods from the past it usually is known as the one thing; that difficulty of letting go; especially of the past. I once met a client he could not more in any four directions in his wheelchair because he had literally had imprisoned himself. Have you ever thought that you cannot think clearly because there is too much going around and around in your head. Yes, possibly because it is cluttered with many different kinds of thoughts. To reiterate what I have said in the introduction; whatever is inside of you is reflected on the outside and vice-versa. The clutter of your environment stops you from moving and flowing easily through your home, work or place. Obstructions that are obvious (like a bag or shoes in the way) can clearly cause accidents.
But sometimes these
obstructions in our homes and lives are not always that obvious. They can be
far more subtle to the point that we are really not that aware that they exist.
Sometimes using the analogy of acupuncture helps to illustrate the principles
of energy being able to flow freely in and around your home. Like the blood and
lymphatic system circulating around our body, it is important to keep the
arteries and veins clear from any obstructions. This enables the oxygen to be
transported to all regions of the body and likewise transport the toxins back
to where they need to leave the body. It is only when it is too late that we
realize the clotting or clogging of this circulation system can result in
disease and death. Likewise, if we have too much surrounding us in environments
it is almost impossible to breathe, move freely, adapt and hence we become
restricted, rigid and ultimately frozen both physically, mentally and
The removal of
blockages within your home of clutter, hoarded materials burdened with memories
long gone, items no longer functional and yet you hang on, you hang on, you
hang on…Yes, this is the problem. It is so hard to let go within and without.
But like anything, start gradually and locate those things you find easiest to
let go of initially and then slowly work your way towards those items that are
difficult to relinquish. It does not have to be wasted as we can see the huge
popularity of charity shops or sales on ebay. I am not suggesting getting rid
of sentimental items but you may wish to consider the more you hold onto things
of the past the less room and space there is for new things to come in to the
now and future. We all have clutter and we are unable to dispense with it
overnight. That is why it is a process, which you remind yourself to do
frequently allowing more space into your life to manoeuvre into areas you never
dreamt you would go.
It is not
necessarily just about being neat. People who do not have any obvious disarray
on the outside can often disguise their erratic behaviour/way of thinking by
throwing all kinds into cupboards or stuffing things into drawers. Is this you?
People become frozen emotionally & mentally by what surrounds them. When it
becomes too chaotic our natural ability to stay calm & retreat is
compromised; this is evident in some of the examples of lethargy, fatigue and
even as bad as chronic fatigue syndrome. I’ve had other people tell me they
have food in the freezer which is 7 years old!! Be aware of how you feel as you
bag up those old memories; the unnecessary items you have stored for yourself
and others and let go of them. It is often accompanied with a mild loss but
also a feeling of letting go and being light within you. It is not difficult to
accrue clutter in this age of mass consumption and junk mail. All I can say is
try it for yourself and see what happens! Good Luck!
What is Clutter?
There is often a common denominator to peoples’ poor health and chronic ailments and that is their environment. In this article I’m talking about how the subtle almost invisible aspects of peoples homes & offices influence peoples’ general health. I would also like to offer an opportunity for the reader to shift their environmental energy for the better so they can enjoy a sense of peace, inspiration, and tranquility. As a Feng Shui consultant there is often an invisible world within our environments that leads to stress, poor health and anxiety. Lets look at 5 areas I have managed to locate that are affecting peoples’ everyday health.
Clutter whether its paper, or accumulation of goods from the past it usually is known as the one thing; that difficulty of letting go; especially of the past. I once met a client he could not more in any four directions in his wheelchair because he had literally had imprisoned himself. Have you ever thought that you cannot think clearly because there is too much going around and around in your head. Yes, possibly because it is cluttered with many different kinds of thoughts. To reiterate what I have said in the introduction; whatever is inside of you is reflected on the outside and vice-versa. The clutter of your environment stops you from moving and flowing easily through your home, work or place. Obstructions that are obvious (like a bag or shoes in the way) can clearly cause accidents.
But sometimes these obstructions in our homes and lives are not always that obvious. They can be far more subtle to the point that we are really not that aware that they exist. Sometimes using the analogy of acupuncture helps to illustrate the principles of energy being able to flow freely in and around your home. Like the blood and lymphatic system circulating around our body, it is important to keep the arteries and veins clear from any obstructions. This enables the oxygen to be transported to all regions of the body and likewise transport the toxins back to where they need to leave the body. It is only when it is too late that we realize the clotting or clogging of this circulation system can result in disease and death. Likewise, if we have too much surrounding us in environments it is almost impossible to breathe, move freely, adapt and hence we become restricted, rigid and ultimately frozen both physically, mentally and emotionally.
The removal of blockages within your home of clutter, hoarded materials burdened with memories long gone, items no longer functional and yet you hang on, you hang on, you hang on…Yes, this is the problem. It is so hard to let go within and without. But like anything, start gradually and locate those things you find easiest to let go of initially and then slowly work your way towards those items that are difficult to relinquish. It does not have to be wasted as we can see the huge popularity of charity shops or sales on ebay. I am not suggesting getting rid of sentimental items but you may wish to consider the more you hold onto things of the past the less room and space there is for new things to come in to the now and future. We all have clutter and we are unable to dispense with it overnight. That is why it is a process, which you remind yourself to do frequently allowing more space into your life to manoeuvre into areas you never dreamt you would go.
It is not necessarily just about being neat. People who do not have any obvious disarray on the outside can often disguise their erratic behaviour/way of thinking by throwing all kinds into cupboards or stuffing things into drawers. Is this you? People become frozen emotionally & mentally by what surrounds them. When it becomes too chaotic our natural ability to stay calm & retreat is compromised; this is evident in some of the examples of lethargy, fatigue and even as bad as chronic fatigue syndrome. I’ve had other people tell me they have food in the freezer which is 7 years old!! Be aware of how you feel as you bag up those old memories; the unnecessary items you have stored for yourself and others and let go of them. It is often accompanied with a mild loss but also a feeling of letting go and being light within you. It is not difficult to accrue clutter in this age of mass consumption and junk mail. All I can say is try it for yourself and see what happens! Good Luck!
Friday, 5 August 2016
Environments Dictate the Context, Quality and Vintage
This is an amazing trip down memory lane in Interlude, Western Yorkshire, U.K. where you can get to feel and be in a place of the past with
charm, elegance and a grate feeling of class.
Sara,the entrepreneur, who had watched many episodes of Poirot! gained insight on how to create the right atmosphere of the vintage tearooms of
the 20-30's - consideration for the decoration, orientation, the attention to detail of the cups and saucers, use of books to read at the table.
Dont forget there was no mobile phones then - people talked to each other around a table, they used cutlery and noticed where they were and how
they felt.
They got dressed up to go to tearooms and enjoy their time together. This is a place not to be missed to realise the power of our
environments and the effect they subtly and constantly have upon us.
Sunday, 31 July 2016
5 Steps to Creating Wealth, Thanks to Feng Shui
How many steps do you really need to start feeling wealthy? In my videos
I talk about wealth not just being about money but its about health, relationships,
connections and opportunities to travel, create a spiritual journey for yourself also.
Each of these steps are explored in my webinar 5 Steps to Creating Wealth and there
is sufficient material in there to get started on your feng shui journey.
Most people overlook the simple and the obvious and its quite apparent that we try to get clarity in our life when all around us there is nothing but chaos and obstruction.
So I invite you to sign up for my many videos and free ebooks to get you going on making
the changes on the outside so the inside starts to feel great.
Friday, 29 July 2016
वास्तु सुझाव | 10 Feng Shui Tips to Boost Your Luck | Money | Home | Off...
If you are in a hurry like everybody is these days then feng shui tips in short will do the trick.
But, like anything you can read, listen and do anything but at the end of the day you have to take
So when you have finished reading this go and do....even if you dont do it all if you take one step towards accomplishing just one of these tips you feel good about yourself and, even more importantly
you followed through and starting a habit of putting things into action.
So, go now and do what you have been taught oh and dont forget if you want to know more then let me know in the box above.
Cathi Hargaden
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
What is energy marketing? Well Nikla Tesla once said; “If you want to understand the universe think of frequency, vibration and energy”.It’s the 98% that is invisible that makes a deciding factor on anything; its not the tip of the iceburg but what feels to be underneath that unresounding potential, the unknown that influences an energetic field. Why would it be any different in marketing who and what we are?Yes you can look on the outside; the beautiful glittering and shimmering wares but what makes the difference to how people feel towards anything is a frequency and vibration of energy that either transports them towards you or something or repells away from it.Think of places you have been before where you were automatically transported towards a place, a person and it made you feel great, transported; perhaps a group of people who all had good vibes and were working together in a positive way. And, then the places, people and spaces where you just feel there is something not quite right. This is not necessarily aligned with places that look glamourous and don’t have any hidden negative energies because they do.
So, how is it you create the right energy for marketing what it is you want to create, sell and advertise?
People decide at the entrance to a house whether this is the home for them to buy or rent and yet what is it that creates that feeling? If everything is energy what is it that creates that great welcoming energy? Think colours, think of sounds, vegetation and the wow factor to any entrance. If you have a live business and you want people who work there to be productive then you have to create a feeling of unity and cooperation.
In energy marketing if you look at the Taoist philosophy it brings into two forces that all businesses have to be aware of; one is that change is inevitable the only thing is that change going up or down or stagnating the company. Two is the ability for all elements in any company, household or work place to be demonstrating cooperation; those elements in this systems are 5 – and they have names such as wood, water, fire earth and metal.
It is not that these elements are tangible in our life but more of a representation of qualities that we have to harness and use to create optimal results. These elements demonstrate to us that you require a balance, you require a certain kind of energy to motivate, create, grow, sustain and manifest and the space to receive.
This is why some of the top corporations and companies worldwide employ these models, paradigms of such great philosophies because they work; better ideas make great products and services; pulling in great flow of wealth which in turn makes people feel valued and worthwhile and so the cycle goes.
Energy Marketing therefore is about putting in place the best dynamics to attract investors; sustain capital flow and have the space big enough to accept and receive the profits.So you may ask how do I put this into operation?Well most companies hover on imbalances and shakily make their way through an unknown tunnel – probably because they have tunnel vision but these five elements most of the time are not cooperating with each in many peoples’ businesses or lives but more busy destroying each other; the wood uproots the earth, the fire melts the metal, the metal cuts the wood; these tendencies are required at times when certain parts of a business have to be curtailed, cutback as in nature’s pruning but each part is sum of a whole and therefore important to know where the balance should lie.
So do you want to know how to create some of the best energy marketing for your business whether it be online or in real time-then watch out for my next blog where I will be sharing some of the top secrets created precisely for energy creation to attract the right things into your business.
Sign up to get your free ebook on how to get started in your own energy marketing business.
Friday, 8 July 2016
Where is the Map of Wealth?
Hi my name is Cathi Hargaden and if you haven’t been able to attract the kind of wealth you want in your life, then
listen closely to everything I tell you in this webinar. I\'ve helped hundreds of people unlock the abundance in their
lives using the power of Feng Shui.
listen closely to everything I tell you in this webinar. I\'ve helped hundreds of people unlock the abundance in their
lives using the power of Feng Shui.
In this Feng Shui webinar, I\'m going to reveal 5 easy to follow steps you can do right now in your home and
workspace to start attracting wealth in your life You\'ll discover:
workspace to start attracting wealth in your life You\'ll discover:
- The little known reason most people are blocking their wealth in little places in their homes.
- How to make any environment instantly feel peaceful and inspiring, (people won\'t want to leave)
- The 5 elements of the universe and how to keep yourself and them in perfect balance so you feel better and have more energy
- The Map Of Wealth? Where to put things and why
- 9 Doors Of Life Leading To Wealth and How to use them in all areas of your life
Once you know where your FENG SHUI money area is located, it makes sense to create good feng shui energy in
it. After all, feng shui is all about creating a space - be it at home or at the office - to improve all areas of your life,
and you would not want to leave out the money area, right?
it. After all, feng shui is all about creating a space - be it at home or at the office - to improve all areas of your life,
and you would not want to leave out the money area, right?
All that plus much more.
Please enter your name and email address to register for this life changing webinar.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Clearing Your Clutter
Is this something you are struggling with? Maybe this could help?
How many of us struggle to get a focus on life and become diverted usually by something or someone else in the environment or space we work and live? Do you have lack of cashflow or find that whatever income comes into the household it goes out as equally fast?
Well look at your surroundings now; too much of one thing; paper everywhere? goods from a long time ago that no longer is used, needed but cant let go?
If this is the case, or perhaps your is stored in a storage warehouse costing you lots of additional money then you might want to address those issues with the ebook above;
Get Your House in Order Now! is a new ebook I have written based on being in a 1000 homes and seriously will assist you with your struggle; just sign up on the right box and you will receive your own version of my ebook to get you started today.
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